Fun at the Beach

Fun at the Beach

September 17, 2009

The Beach

We went to Huntington beach for Labor day, we thought it was a really fun place to go, there is possilbe fun camping (hard to come by in SC, if your used to the west) catching some crab, site seeing, and last but not least the ocean. We some a pod of Dolphins swimming close by and jumping having fun......they say when there are dolphins or seals close by then sharks most likely won't be, but swimming with wild life that is of that size is some what freaky to me! It was a lot of fun though. The body surfing was a lot of fun, I think the next time we go we will wise up and get ourselves a boogy board!

October 30, 2008

After some convincing I finally decided to start one of these up......Blake wouldn't help me because he said the name BLOG is lame and he says "I live by certain principles and gayness isn't one of them"